Open Caching Start Here

How To Get Started With Open Caching

There are a growing list of documents which specify how an Open Caching Network and Open Caching Node operate. But not all of these documents are needed to get started. Below you will find a list of documents needed to create a baseline of understanding of Open Caching.

Basic Understanding of Open Caching Concepts

The following documents present many of the core concepts for Open Caching. Note that this list may include draft documents which require you to be an SVTA member to access.

SVTA2007-1: Open Cache Request Routing Functional Specification (Version 2.0)

High-level functional specification of open caching request routing and the required interfaces to enable request routing to be performed from an upstream CDN to an open cache system.

SVTA2026: Home Storage Functional Specification

The Home Storage Open Caching Node (HS-OCN) project adds functionality to the open caching system to further improve quality of experience (QoE) on networks with last mile challenges including speed limits (e.g. low speed DSL), usage limits (e.g. wireless), and last mile congestion (e.g. COVID quarantine). In the United States, almost 20 million households still have DSL or wireless Internet service. This number is larger worldwide. By leveraging storage in the home, end-users can have experiences with fewer rebuffer events, faster start times, and higher visual quality including UHD. At the same time as the QoE is improved, the amount of content which can be viewed is increased because the operator can reduce the peak period usage.

SVTA5044: Open Caching API Implementation Guidelines

The Streaming Video Technology Alliance Open Caching Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are described in several documents, each related to a particular interface. This document is the starting point for anyone implementing these APIs. It describes the Open Caching model and includes modes of operations necessary for implementation.

Understanding the Open Caching APIs

The following specifications will help you get a better understanding of the core API framework. Note that this list may include draft documents which require you to be an SVTA member to access.

(DRAFT) SVTA2046: Open Caching Cache Management Interface

The SVTA Open Caching Cache Management Interface project seeks to specify content management interface, to facilitate standard-based interoperability between content providers and CDNs on one hand, and open caching systems.

SVTA2028-1: Configuration Interface Part 1: Overview and Architecture

This is the first part in a set of documents that specify the Streaming Video Technology Alliance (SVTA) Configuration Interface, defining both the metadata model and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for entities to publish and retrieve configuration metadata. This document specifies the motivational drivers, use cases, and standards to facilitate interoperability within the content delivery network (CDN) and Open Caching ecosystems. The full document set presents a layered architecture that extends the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) CDN Interconnect (CDNI) Metadata and Capabilities Models and adds publishing APIs to provide configuration management capabilities required by the CDN and Open Caching industries.

SVTA2045: Open Caching API Footprint and Capabilities

This document describes the Application Programming Interface (API) methods and data model related to the Footprint and Capabilities Interface. The API has been entirely designed by the SVTA Open Caching group whereas the data model is based on the IETF Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNi) work. and on extensions specified by the SVTA Open Caching group.

SVTA2048: Open Caching Request Routing Interface

Content delivery delegation in open caching can be realized through two modes of request redirection, iterative and recursive.

Open caching previously supported the iterative mode only. This document describes the data model and architecture changes required to enable the recursive mode of delegation as well.

SVTA2049: Open Caching Capacity Insight Interface

This document describes the Capacity Insights Interface that allows content providers (CPs), service providers (SPs), and content delivery networks (CDNs) to exchange information to facilitate an integrated and informed end-to-end traffic steering workflow. The goal is to enable real-time traffic steering based on available capacity in an effort to keep key performance indicators (KPIs) at acceptable levels. Mechanisms such as reservations and service level agreements (SLAs) are considered out of scope for the purpose of this interface.

SVTA2050: Open Caching Logging Specification

This document describes extensions to the Open Caching Configuration API and the Content Delivery Networks Interconnection (CDNI) Footprint & Capabilities Interface [RFC8008] to support configuration and advertisement of logging capabilities, along with examples and best practices to support logging,log record transformation and transmission between participants within an Open Caching environment. The extensions are based on the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) CDNI Request for Comments (RFCs) and extensions proposed by this Streaming Video Technology Alliance (SVTA) group.